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Don’t allow your gardens to fall dormant during the winter months when a little creativity and know-how will keep your garden thriving.

Last summer’s scorcher left my herb garden in ashes—or so I thought. Enter: resurrection mint. Yes, you heard that right. After a brutal sun-fueled massacre, my mint somehow rose from the ashes like a phoenix, thanks to a little leftover tea and some green-thumb magic.

While it’s easy to neglect our gardens during the colder months, South Africa’s relatively temperate winters offer the perfect opportunity to flex those gardening muscles. Plus, who doesn’t love soaking up some sunshine for a dose of vitamin D? One of my favorite gardening hacks? Repurposing kitchen scraps as instant compost. Forget fancy fertilizers and pricey potions— just toss those fruit and veggie scraps in a blender, sprinkle them in the garden, and watch the magic happen. It’s like giving your garden a nutritious smoothie boost!

I am very proud to tell you about my avocado trees. If you’ve ever tried to grow an avocado tree, you know it’s no easy feat. But against all odds, I found not one, not two, but four avocado trees sprouting in my garden—straight from discarded avocado pits! It’s a miracle of life, folks, and proof that even novice gardeners can work wonders.

In this podcast, we’ll explore some practical tips for reviving your garden and your plate during the winter months. From repurposing kitchen scraps to growing your own herbs and vegetables, we’ll dive into the world of winter gardening and cooking.

Winter Gardening Podcast JoziStyle

Reviving Your Garden:

  1. Repurpose kitchen scraps: Don’t throw away those vegetable peels and fruit rinds! Instead, use them to create a nutrient-rich compost that will keep your garden thriving.
  2. Grow your own herbs: Many herbs, such as rosemary, thyme, and mint, can be grown indoors during the winter months. Simply plant them in a pot, and place them in a sunny spot.
  3. Use leftover tea and coffee grounds: These can be used to add nutrients to your soil, and even help to repel pests.
  4. Get creative with containers: Use old pots, pans, and even plastic bottles to create unique and space-saving planters.

Reviving Your Plate:

  1. Cook with fresh herbs: Add fresh herbs to your favorite dishes for a burst of flavor and nutrients.
  2. Try new recipes: Experiment with new ingredients and recipes to keep your cooking exciting and fresh.
  3. Preserve your harvest: Learn how to preserve your summer harvest through canning, freezing, and dehydrating.
  4. Get inspired by seasonal produce: Visit your local farmer’s market or grocery store to see what’s in season, and plan your meals around those ingredients.

With a little creativity and know-how, you can keep your garden thriving and your plate full of fresh, delicious produce all year round. By repurposing kitchen scraps, growing your own herbs, and getting creative with containers, you can revive your garden and your plate during the winter months. So why not give it a try? Your taste buds and your garden will thank you!


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