Win 1 of 10 VIP Listings on #TheList worth R1,000.

Win 1 of 10 VIP Listings on #TheList worth R1,000.

The List is JoziStyle’s solution to put your business on #TheList!
JoziStyle has earned a reputation for creating fearless and discerning content that gets noticed and influences public opinion.
JoziStyle transcends the limitations of being bound by a blog, social media platform, or radio show, to create dynamic digital marketing campaigns that get your business noticed. JoziStyle’s campaigns are unexpected, stealthy, and competitive. Most importantly, they’re memorable and fun.
The List is a business directory, review site, and content marketing platform, that harnesses its digital marketing tools to ensure that your brand reaches a wider audience and leaves an indelible impression. The List is effective because we continuously adapt our strategies to achieve maximum exposure.
Gain Exclusive Access to JoziStyle’s VIP List
The VIP List creates an SEO-friendly, digital footprint that improves your online presence by introducing your business to our followers. Your VIP business listing includes your business details, contact information, and integration with Google Maps. All listings are shared on our social media platforms because we want people to find your business on The List. Your exposure is further enhanced by our banner displays which create 60,000 impressions/month. Best of all, potential customers can message you directly, telephonically, or through your website. All listings are valid for a year.
Win 1 of 10 VIP Listings on JoziStyle’s #TheList worth R1,000.
To stand a chance to win a VIP Listing on The List, simply do one of the following:
- Register a FREE account which could be upgraded to a free VIP listing.
- Share this post on Facebook, LinkedIn, or X, with the phrase: I’m on #TheList!
Winners will be randomly selected.
Competition closes on Sunday, 3 December 2023.
Winners announced on Monday, 4 December 2023.
Prizes are not transferable or redeemable for cash.
Winners will be announced on social media and The List.